Silicone Spatulas | Can a silicone spatula cook vegetables (scramble), and is it harmful to the human body?

ملاعق سيليكون | هل يمكن لملعقة السيليكون طهي الخضار (التدافع) ، وهل هي ضارة بجسم الإنسان؟

يوليو 29, 2022

The shovel made of silicone rubber (silicon for short) is generally made of food-grade silicone rubber and stainless steel or nylon skeleton. Small amounts of carbon dioxide, water, and silica are produced, all of which are not dangerous. So from a security point of view, it's not a big problem.
But cooking at a low temperature or not in contact with the hot bottom of the pot for a long time can prolong the service life. The original silicone rubber kitchen utensils were first designed by Westerners, and the main application scenario is low-temperature cooking. For oily or frying scenes, wooden or stainless steel kitchenware is more suitable.
In addition, it is recommended to use silicone rubber kitchen utensils with stainless steel skeleton. After all, nylon has much poorer temperature resistance, it is easy to age and discolor, and it is easy to deform at high temperature.

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